Who We Are

Opelousas Pregnancy Center is a nonprofit community resource center committed to facilitating abundant life for women and children through free pregnancy counseling, educational classes, and do much more. Our desire is to offer women compassion, hope, and assistance in a most special time of life that can bring excitement and joy, but also natural and normal uncertainty. Through Opelousas Pregnancy Center, expectant mothers will find safe, supportive, and welcoming place to nurture the healthy growth and development of both their unborn children and themselves.

Our Mission

Opelousas Pregnancy Center’s mission is to facilitate abundant life for mothers and babies by giving mothers the resources and support they need to confidently choose life for their unborn babies.

Our Goals

To increase the number of mothers choosing life for their unborn children, as well improve the overall health of mothers and babies.

We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.