Stay tuned for ...
- Our Fall 5K Run/ Walk,
- The Baby Bottle Campaign, and
- You won't want to miss our Winter Gala

We are thrilled to be part of SOLA Giving Day alongside many other incredible organizations throughout Acadiana! Click below to give via SOLA Giving Day. Often, matches are made for monies donated. Stay tuned to any opportunities headed our way!
Early Giving: Opens March 9th
SOLA Giving Day: May 6th
Thanks for standing for LIFE!
Baby Bottles for Life
"Baby Bottles for Life" is an ongoing fundraiser for Opelousas Pregnancy Center. We invite you and your small group, office, bible study, team, club, or school to join in the fun!
Call or email us today to schedule your Baby Bottle for Life campaign.
We are grateful for our 2021 Baby Bottles for Life Campaign Partners:
- January - Westminster Christian Academy $3000.00
- February - Opelousas Catholic TBD
- March- Christ Church Academy TBD