Center Needs
The ongoing needs of Opelousas Pregnancy Center can be summed up with Prayer, Giving, & Service.
God is so faithful to continue to work in the hearts and lives of clients and volunteers. Pray that our client’s hearts might be bent toward Lordship of Jesus Christ in all their daily decisions. Pray for His will to be done at Opelousas Pregnancy Center and that He would receive full glory for that which He has begun. Pray for strength, courage, clarity, healing, wholeness, and abundant life for every individual involved with OPC and that many might be saved.
The families we reach may never walk through the doors of a church. They seek us out in a critical moment of their lives, which opens wide the door for ministry. We share the love of Christ as we educate them on fetal development and give them resources they need to confidently choose life for their babies. It is our hope that you choose to partner with us in our lifesaving, life-changing efforts through a giving plan that works for best for you.
Giving Options:
Single / Recurring Gifts can be established by clicking the button below.
Checks can be mailed to: 414 South Main Street Opelousas, La 70570
AmazonSmile : Click on and choose Opelousas Pregnancy Center as your charity for us to receive a percentage of your eligible purchases.
Amazon Wish List offers a list of ongoing needs for daily operation of our pregnancy center. Add an item to your shopping cart and have it shipped directly to OPC. Click here:
Recycle in St. Landry Parish and choose Opelousas Pregnancy Center as the recipient of your proceeds. Two locations are available at 2717 West Landry Street, Opelousas and 450 North CC Duson, Eunice.
Donate gently used or new maternity and infant items and clothing (up to 2 T or 24 months) at your convenience Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm.
Newborn Diapers are always a need for our mothers.
It takes a family of committed people to keep things going here at OPC. From nurses to hostesses, event coordinators, office staff, maternal education consultants, fundraisers coordinators, counselors, corporate liaisons, and more. We have a wide array of roles to fill as we minister to the hearts of women and the little ones in their wombs. Interested in offering your skills or talents to assist at Opelousas Pregnancy Center? Contact us at